1. Environmental Performance Communication

1.1 Object

The Management of nettaro in its desire to guarantee the provision of the service and offer its customers a service and products with better quality every day, respecting the environment, in its activities. It maintains an Integrated Quality, Environmental and Information Security Management System in accordance with the UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015, UNE EN-ISO 14001:2015 and UNE EN-ISO 27001:2022 Standards.

The purpose of publishing this report is to provide our stakeholders with information on our environmental performance and behaviour, as well as to reinforce our commitment to the continuous improvement of the Integrated Management System in place.

1.2 Quality and Environmental Policy

We have defined, implemented and made available to our stakeholders our Quality and Environmental Policy which is appropriate to the purpose and strategic lines of our organisation, and includes our commitment to environmental protection.

1.3 Objectives

In accordance with our philosophy of continuous improvement of our environmental performance, we periodically define objectives in this area. Furthermore, nettaro has environmental indicators with periodic monitoring that provide information on our environmental performance, serving as a basis for decision-making and establishing lines of work.

1.4 Environmental Aspects

Within the defined scope of the Integrated Management System, nettaro has determined the environmental aspects of its activities and services that it can control and those that it can influence, and their associated environmental impacts, from a life cycle perspective, in the environmental aspects evaluation matrix.

For the evaluation of these, the following are taken into account:

a) Changes, including new or planned developments, and new or modified activities and services

b)  Abnormal conditions and reasonably emergency situations.

PM-01 Environmental Aspects specifies the criteria used to determine the aspects that have or may have a significant environmental impact.

Therefore, nettaro has documented and communicated to the different levels and functions of the organisation its associated environmental aspects and impacts and the criteria used to determine its significant environmental aspects in the documents corresponding to the procedure for the evaluation of environmental aspects and the R18-B Environmental Aspects Evaluation Matrix.

1.5 Environmental Performance

1.5.1 Spillage Control

Our activity does not generate polluting discharges into the environment.

1.5.2 Resource Consumption

We individually control consumption (water, electricity, paper and toner), the latter being the ones we pay maximum attention to in order to reduce them year after year. We weight consumption taking into account the organisation’s activity.

1.5.3 Resource Management

The waste generated by nettaro is classified by type of material and nature.

However, nettaro waste management is handled by authorised waste managers for transport and treatment.

1.5.4 Assessment of Compliance with Legal Requirements

nettaro, with the help of an agency: 

  • Determines the legal and other requirements related to its activity and environmental aspects.
  • Determines how these and other requirements apply to the organization.
  • Takes these requirements into account when establishing and maintaining the Integrated Management System.

As indicated by the latest Internal and External Audits of our Integrated Management System. We comply with all legal and regulatory requirements applicable to our activity.

In Madrid, a 27 Th de november 2024

 Managing Director of nettaro.